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Affordable, accessible housing is a basic human right for all persons and families. Homelessness is one of the biggest scourges on society and no person or family should be without adequate housing. The City of Westland must continue to ensure housing in our community is accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.


  • Worked with our Housing and Community Development Director Joanne Campbell to launch a Rent and Mortgage Relief Fund during the pandemic.

​       When the Covid pandemic started many people in our city suddenly faced being laid off and wondering how they would

       pay their bills and afford to live. Homeowners suddenly had to worry about making their mortgage and rental

       payments. In response, the federal government created a Covid relief program to help struggling homeowners and

       families. In Westland, we created a homeowners rental and mortgages assistance program to assist low to

       moderate income families whose income has been negatively affected by COVID-19. The City

       provided up to 3 months of emergency rent or mortgage payments for households whose income has been

       significantly affected by COVID-19 due to job loss or medical costs for COVID-19 care.  


  • Supported investments in the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Programs.

       The Community Development Department is run by our Housing Director Joanne Campbell and manages the City of

       Westland's federal funding for the Community Development Block Grant and HOME programs. Our CDBG and Home

       programs provide a variety of activities for working-class to low income Westland residents. On Council I have continued

       to support Director Campbell and our CDBG and HOME programs to help residents of all socio-economic means.​


  • Supported the Home and Rental Rehabilitation program.​​​

       I have continuously supported the home and rental rehabilitation program to help home owners and renters fix up and

       repair their homes.​


  • Supported the Westland Housing Voucher program to help working-class and low-income home owners.​

​       I have continued to support Westland's Housing Voucher program run by our Housing Director Joanne Campbell to help

       working-class and low-income home owners.


  • Supported a new, more affordable housing development in the Avondale and Wildwood area.​

       â€‹We approved a new, more affordable housing development in the Avondale and Wildwood area on a long vacant parcel

       of land. The housing development will be both one and two story homes and will be at more affordable prices than

       most new homes being built on the market.



  • Approve housing developments that are affordable for working-class families:

       Westland has a large swath of available and affordable housing for residents and those looking to move into our

       community to choose from. Unlike some of our neighboring communities, here in Westland, we have a large

       availability of affordable housing, that doesn't cost $300,000+ to live in. We offer families more affordable

       mortgage payments and cost of living. We must continue to support new developments that offer affordable

       housing options for residents.


  • Continue to support our CDBG, HOME, and Housing Voucher programs: â€‹

       As your City Councilmember, I will continue to support programs and services that help working-class and moderate-

       income home owners stay in their homes. I will continue to support our Housing Voucher program to provide rental and

       homeownership assistance for working-class and moderate income families.


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