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  • Westland homeowner and taxpayer.​


  • Knocked on over 5,000 doors in neighborhoods across Westland even when I wasn't up for election.


  • 96% Attendance record on City Council missing only 1 meeting or study session in 4 years.


  • W​hat I do and where I work: Employment Recruiter, Sun Communities, property management firm.


  • Wayne State University graduate with a Bachelors of Arts in Communication Studies. I also had an academic focus on core areas including Political Science, Legislative Processes, and Michigan Politics.


  • Walsh College of Business graduate with a Masters of Management in Human Resource Management.


  • Wayne-Westland Community Schools 2018 Bond Initiative as a Field Director. Working in partnership with members of the Wayne-Westland School Board, the Superintendent Dr. Holt, teachers, support staff, and community members I was a part of the Get Out the Vote effort to inform voters and get them to vote yes for the Wayne-Westland School Bond. The school districts bond initiative passed overwhelmingly.


  • Voter mobilization efforts as apart of several successful campaigns and ballot initiatives in the 2008, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, and 2022 election cycles.


  • Community volunteer and activist with the Norwayne Community Citizens Council, Westland Volunteer Corps, the Westland Area Jaycees, NAACP of Western-Wayne County, Westland Democratic Club, Metro Detroit DSA, Forgotten Harvest, Covenant House Michigan, Michigan Poor People's Campaign, Clean Water Action Michigan, and the Sierra Club of Michigan.

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My journey is one like many residents of Westland. I don't live in a mansion on a hill, drive an expensive luxury car or make a six figure salary at my job. I live over off Avondale and Wildwood at 652 Forest St. with my black Labrador Retriever Jetta and work in an office in Southfield as an employment Recruiter for a company called Sun Communities. I am running for City Council to give every Westland resident a voice in their government and a seat at the table.


My family has experienced the trials and tribulations that so many out there have persevered through. When I 15, I was there when my dad took in my uncle Randy who was battling liver cancer. My father’s generosity and commitment to his family led him to support his brother at a time when his brother could no longer support himself. After his brother’s death, my family faced another one of life’s many challenges. When the Great Recession hit in 2008, like many, my parent’s retirement and savings were decimated. The financial strain brought on by the Great Recession forced my mother out of retirement and back into the working world. 

As a college student, I watched from sidelines as millionaires and billionaires who wrecked our economy got bailed out while hard-working people like my mother and father were left out in the cold. Watching the greed and abuse of the corporate executives who received golden parachutes while my parents were forced to go back to work during their golden years made me realize that the system isn’t working for the little guy. 

I put myself through school as a full-time student at Wayne State University balancing my academic life and working 25-30 hours a week in a retail job. I understand the financial burden of student-loan debt that young adults face today, because I am facing it too. Having lived through the financial crisis as a student, I knew I couldn’t stand on the sidelines any longer and so I had to gain a better understanding of how our government, economy, and community were interconnected. 

While attending Wayne State, I received my Bachelors of Arts in Communication Studies, and studied Political Science and Michigan Politics. After graduation, like many, I struggled to find a job during the height of the recession. This required me to go back to school to complete Master's Degree in Business Management at Walsh College. Upon completion, after months of searching, I found a job as a Small Business Recruiter. It allowed me to put my education to work by helping others realize the American Dream through starting their  career and earning a living; as a Recruiter, guiding them through the entire hiring process from start to finish.

As a Westland resident, I face the same day-to-day challenges as many people and families in our communities: paying bills, cutting the grass, keeping up the house, finding time to catch a Tigers or Red Wings game, and finding time to enjoy life.

Tax Returns and Finances


Transparency and accountability among our elected leaders is paramount to good governance. They ensure that our elected leaders are making the right decisions on behalf of the people, not well-connected special interests. I believe in transparency and being accountable to you. That is why I have decided to release several of my prior tax returns, as well as other financial records. View the information by clicking on the links below.


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652 Forest St, Westland, MI, 48186

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